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TekxY's Blog

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  TekxY, May 06 2010

I just tried to get the avatar published here with the flag of my country and got this

Hello TekxY,

The image you have selected has been disapproved. The use of website URLs in table images is not permitted.

To select a new image, go to "Account" in the main lobby menu, then click on "Select/Change Image". Note that you are only allowed one change, so choose your new image carefully.


Why is this? i dl the image and upload it from my documents folder so idk why is this??

thanks in advance

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Iron man 2
  TekxY, May 02 2010

Just watched Iron Man 2 and i really liked that movie...When I was a kid, I always wanted to read all the comics from Marvel but for one thing or another never really start it, and lately i was thinking It's kinda late to start but today I decide to start reading some before sleep and well yeah im such a nerd lol.

About poker, in the last post i was worried about my red line and I guess I adjust some stuff i was doing really wrong, I'm limping less and raising more, being less passive, that stopped somehow the red line from keeping going down so bad, and other thing is that i was folding too much.

But to make the red line going really up i think i have to take down some kind of big pots by bluffing or so, but as I'm playing NL4 and taking shots at NL10 it seems really hard to find people who can fold when i need it

I guess I won't worry much about that for now and try to keep learning.

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buy-in leak?
  TekxY, Apr 20 2010

I don't know if this is a leak, as I'm really noob, so when I started playing NL2 and NL4 I sat with the maximum buy-in, which in NL2 and NL4 is $5 and idk but maybe you can tell me if it's wrong to sit with more than 100BB on FR games, because of the implied odds I'm giving and welcoming players to call me with pp and setmine because my buy-in makes it a correct play most of the time, and so with similar situations.

I know some experienced players like to be as deep as possible, so maybe not a leak for them, but for a new player is this bad or just paranoia?

thanks in advance.

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